18 Aug 2008

Back Again!

Have had a month's break from this blog. This has been a time to think of how to carry on writing, and how to structure it. Basically, the idea of looking at live short-term trades is being abandoned for now. I'm not sure how many people are reading this - probably very few from the comments - so the work involved in trying to write as quickly as possible just doesn't seem worth it. Also, as there is always a delay between trading and posting, most trades are likely to have disappeared by the time my comment gets online. All of which has made me think that I will have a different focus from now on.

The Trading Day pages will look at current trends and look forward to levels at which indicators give trading signals. I will start a new section entitled Trading Signals, which is when the market is very close to a trading signal. The point here is that as a reader, I hope it will be more useful knowing when a signal is about to appear, rather than just knowing that it has already been and gone. The latter just seems to me fairly useless and just states the obvious.

I will also continue to look in detail at technical indicators and at the different types of contracts available to spread betters. Also, my occasional series of The Clouded View will remain occasional as I myself tire of reading newsletters that actually don't have anything to say but feel obliged to fill space every week.

So... lets see how round two goes!

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