3 Jul 2008

Trading Day

Last night we officially entered a bear market for the Dow - 20% down from its peak. Such labels may be merely cosmetic, but must have some psychological effect in that the bears can now look smug. The whole bulls and bears narrative sounds more like some forgotten mythology than a description of financial markets. I don't really give a damn about which way the market moves so long as I can find signals that catch those moves early enough to make a profit. But in the big wide world with lots more money to lose than me, many people have a vested interest in giving their unbiased advice. I really don't trust broker and bank recommendations as they just smell of self interest - there should be more independent monitoring services. Just take General Motors as an example. Two days ago the news was saying that the Dow's 200 point late rally was due to GM's better than expected sales. Their sales figures still sucked big time, but not as much as expected. Actually, that rally looked more like a reaction to oil coming sharply off its highs. Anyway, 24 hours later GM gets downgraded and its shares crumble - no new announcements, just another pump-and-dump play from the oh-so-wise big boys.

Well, last night was interesting in that oil did not retreat late in the day but remained stubbornly high, prompting the Dow to finally give up its bull dream. I expect this is in anticipation of the ECB hiking rates today, which will further weaken the Dollar against the Euro and thereby increase dollar denominated commodities such as oil and gold. Looks too easy a play so we shall see what will happen. I imagine much of the moves have already happened this week.


Not so many support levels left to break. Looks like 5300 and 5100. The 5100 level may prove a bouncing off point as was the Feb 2005 high (5080) and then the Oct 2005 low (5130).

The ECB interest rate announcement is at 12:45 BST with a news conference later at 13:30 BST.


  1. Some early comments. Firstly, a look at IG's daily options shows a large number of gaps. All the slightly out of the money options are missing - both calls and puts. This shows to me that IG expects a volatile day and that those options are people's favourite trades. This is also a reminder that their daily options are not covered by the FSA because there is no real underlying market - unlike their futures options which do have a real market to follow. Now I assume their pricing formula for daily options is similar to the last day of a futures option, but there are often pricing spikes that do not correspond to any underlying index move. This is usually a volatility adjustment in their formula but can also be used to limit IG losses. I don't know why I use these daily options, but sometimes the binaries are over-priced in one direction so seem poor value.

    Anyway, today is another typical day of twists and turns! The 3-min chart has been pretty useless since the FTSE volatility has increased, so have reverted to 15-min and 30-min charts. And, of course, today they are screwing up!

    So am currently holding
    FTSE daily
    5320 put @ 10.2
    5460 call @ 10.0
    Not great trades, and a bit too far from the strike price. Wait and see once the market decides on direction. Without that spike up to 5390 I would have just kept the put.

    BTW am holding on to a FTSE Jul 5200 put bought at 37.8 some days ago.

  2. Completely pointless trade, but took it quickly as can't be bothered waiting for the time value to erode on both options.

    SELL 5460 call @ 20.3
    Profit on the combined trade is a whopping +0.1 pts! Will see if the put will have any value later - currently at 2.5.

    Normally would take options 20 pts out of the money, but as I said, they are mysteriously (or not so mysteriously) absent from the quoted prices.

  3. The 15-min chart shows a turn around on the day. Hopefully isn't a bounce off 5400.

    FTSE Daily
    BUY 5380 Put @ 21.4

  4. Sometimes, market reactions are unfathomable. ECB increases rates, as expected, US jobs data terrible, and... the Dow leaps up and the Dollar rockets up! Maybe it had something to do with the ECB President's speech, and maybe investors feel that the US stance is a more expansionist policy. Who knows!

    Anyway, at the 15-min up signal
    BUY 5480 put @ 7.5
    SELL @ 25.0
    Profit = +17.5
    No sell signal but makes up for the other option's probable loss.

  5. TRADE
    FTSE 5380 put
    SELL @ 13.6

    LOSS = -7.8 pts

    A lousy +9.8 pts or the day. Too many twists and turns even for the 15-mins chart. The 30-mins one called it right as an up day, although even it showed an early drop. Never mind.

  6. The NYSE is determined to close above the magic 11331 so that Americans can dismiss the bear market and feel good about themselves during Independence Day. The FTSE is slavishly following the story, but just be careful that politically motivated market moves have a habit of rebounding.

    My old friend the 3-min chart was perfect since Wall St opened but, well, as usual, hindsight is futile.


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