8 Jul 2008

Trading Day

Half an hour ago IG Index was quoting the FTSE as opening 105 pts down, sitting at 5400. This seems to have more to do with the Asian collapse as the Dow is also quoted lower than last night's close. Now, we often see that the cash market needs to catch up with its out of hours prices, so with such a big drop I'm sticking my neck out.

FTSE Daily
BUY 5420 call @ 26.6

Yesterday the FTSE was just 10 pts away from breaking the SAR indicator, which today stands at 5518. This is the first indicator to be flagged for any upward movement. The last few hours have shown it was wise it didn't touch it! The 30DMA is somewhat further away at 5645.


  1. Well, that sucked as an idea!

    on 3-min signals

    FTSE Daily
    5420 call SELL @ 19.6
    LOSS = -10 pts

    5380 put BUY @ 26.5

    DAX Daily
    SELL @ 5254.5
    20pt stop

  2. TRADE
    BUY @ 5240.5
    Profit = +14 pts
    could have been a lot better... never mind.

    5380 put
    SELL @ 36.4
    Profit = +9.9
    took it as FTSE broke upwards on 3-min signal.

    Slightly useless day so far, but although a big drop from yesterday the market has only moved 40 pts during today's trading.


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