23 May 2008

Far Out Trades

This is on the cusp of craziness but here goes.

FTSEto finish Down > 50 pts
BUY @ 9.8

I just think those Friday night blues will set in before the close!

1 comment:

  1. OK, these may be far out trades but once taken one better be with it! Have hung on to this for 3 pushes up, am now taking it at 67 points.

    A profit!!

    PROFIT = 67 - 9.8 = 57.2

    As I'm writing this it is heading for 100!! But also since closing the trade and writing these comments it has fallen back to 50-ish.

    For those of you brave enough, there was nearly 1000% profit in this one!! All in just an hour and a half.

    The drinks are on you!


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