2 Jun 2008

Trading Day

Was feeling good about having taken my put option at 91 pts on Friday, seeing it at about 75 before the open. Now am not so sure! Oh well, one that got away.

Missed the big leg down but grabbed it at the 30-min chart entry.

SELL @ 6032.5
FTSE Daily

Been watching it creep back up but have now managed to move my stop down to 6030 so safe for this first trade of the week!

Now decidedly below all 3 daily moving averages. A break below 6000 and I think we're staring at 5800, the mid-April low, then 5700 and 5500... but surely those are for another day!


  1. TRADE
    SELL @ 6015.3
    1-min signal

    other stop down to 6020

    gonna follow this one down.

  2. TRADE
    BUY @ 6001 to close
    Profit = 14.3 pts
    using 1-min chart

  3. TRADE
    SELL @ 6004.3
    1min chart

  4. TRADE
    BUY @ 5997.5 to close
    Profit = 6.8 pts

    wasn't looking good so closed half my positions.

  5. Well, that last trade sucked!
    Never mind. Am now sitting on a 50 pts proit from the 30-min trade. So this already gets classed as a 'good trade'. Stop down to 6005 and have put in place a trailing 25 pts stop - min profit 27.5 pts. Can go watch the rain now!

  6. Just as a micro-example of the article I wrote this morning. In the last 5 minutes crude oil popped up 50 cents, lifting the FTSE 20 points simultaneously. The natural resources sectors seem to be the only things stopping the FTSE already being at 5500.

  7. Have abandoned the 1-min chart for today. Looking at 3-min and 30-min.

    BUY @ 5992.5 to close
    Profit = 6032.5 - 5992.5 = 40 pts

    61 pts bagged so far today.

    BUY @ 5993
    3-min chart
    Bit risky but sterling getting hammered today so perhaps a bit of relief for the exporters. Will close quickly if wrong.

  8. TRADE
    SELL @ 6006.8 to close
    Profit = 6006.8 - 5993 = 13.8 pts
    3-min chart

    75 pts profit so far today.

    SELL @ 6004.3
    3-min chart

  9. TRADE
    BUY @ 5989 to close
    Profit = 15.3 pts

    over 90 pts so far.

    One for the Far Out Trades taken a few minutes earlier.
    FTSE to finish UP @ 9.1 pts!

    This could drift around here for the next 2 hours so going to take a break and back later.

  10. Woken up now!
    SELL @ 6006
    using 3-min chart

    SELL @ 5.2
    LOSS = 5.2 - 9.1 = -3.9 pts

  11. TRADE
    BUY @ 6004.5 to close
    Profit = 1.5 pts
    Not much of a profit and left this too late. Oil (and gold to a small extent) has come to the FTSE's rescue once again with a $3 swing up. Didn't trust it initially, but then, so much for my ideas!

    BUY @ 6008
    FTSE Daily

    SELL @ 6014.8
    Profit = 6.8 pts

    Pretty good day.

    Sorry but internet been unreliable so last few posts been late. Also the blog's server didn't respond but luckily it kept the post texts.

    Sometimes best to concentrate on what's important!

  12. Closing Comments

    have just been perusing the articles on today's downbeat reports on the UK economy. Just as I've said, inflation due to rising raw materials is different to inflation due to rising economic activity, profits and wages. To use the same monetarist sledgehammer in both cases just shows how naive the whole theory is - and despite the media, remember that monetarism is not a law of nature but, in my jaundiced opinion, a mechanism to keep people placidly poor. Fiscal measures can target problems directly and swiftly but our stuffed suits seem to prefer to be seen as intransigent rather than flexible. Is it right to assume that central bankers are so much wiser than their commercial brothers? The FTSE Bank sector index looks like a long suicide note.



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