4 Jun 2008

Trading Day

Another of those mornings when the spread betters have pushed the FTSE down to ape the Dow. Expect it to rise to meet last night's close. There is probably a strategy lurking in these movements but the profit potential seems so slight compared to the risks. What it does mean is that even if it is a down day this isn't the right time to go short.

FTSE closed above its 90DMA, although as of writing sitting some 30 points lower. Long term daily trend still bearish but has been putting on a good fight for 6000. The next level up (if that's not too wildly optimistic) is 6095. On the down side it still looks to me like fresh air down to 5800.

Waiting for the bell...


  1. TRADE
    FTSE Daily
    SELL @ 6022.8

    not a great price but moved sharply.
    1-min chart

  2. STOP down to 6020 so covered the bet.
    Looking grim so waiting. Aware this is a 1-min trade but all the other charts now looking bearish at 6000.

    doh! forgot to actually post this!

    OK, tried to be clever and lucked out. On a 1-min signal should have taken this at 5995, but FTSE had a little hop just to wave bye-bye to 6000. See you again some day!

    STOP now down to 6005, the top of its bounce.

  3. FTSE locked inside its panic room, walled in by 6000 and 5990. Dow futures ticking further down. Waiting for a break-out.

  4. Being patient here. Trying to call the bottom is pointless, but closing at the top of a dead-cat-bounce is also sad.
    STOP at 5975

    This smells to me like a market slap in the face to the Bank of England. Both FTSE and Sterling getting clattered, perhaps the BoE should think again about easing rates a tad tomorrow to relieve the British consumer.

  5. OK not hanging around to spoil a good day.

    BUY @ 5956
    Profit = 66.8 pts

  6. This isn't the greatest time to take this, but here goes...
    FTSE June 5700 Put @ 32

    It's cheap and I don't need to look at it for a week. expires on 20th so 2.5 weeks of life.

  7. OK, this may seem marginally insane, or possibly downright sectionable...

    FTSE Daily
    BUY @ 5940.8
    3-min chart

    but gold and oil on the rise.

  8. 5950 proving a tough nut to crack

    SELL @ 5946.8
    Profit = 6 pts
    A bit useless but not wholly pointless.

    SELL @ 5944.5
    1-min chart
    near to NY open so time to wake up.

  9. short shelf-life for this one

    BUY @ 5932.8 to close
    Profit = 11.7 pts
    Took this quickly as Dow popped up off 12350.

    FTSE Daily Options
    5920 Put @ 10
    5960 Call @ 10.1
    Total 20.1 pts

    Can sit back and enjoy the show now.

  10. Well, something I've been saying about the current market - that every support and resistance gets tested and retested. Looks like 6000 getting tested from the down side - actually, suspect yesterday's low of 5975, but what do I know!


    5960 Call @ 23.1
    minuscule profit of 3 pts!!
    will wait to see if the Put makes anything.

  11. There are not many binary bets still in play with the FTSE some 100 pts down at 3pm. However, this one still could be.

    FTSE to finish Down > 50 pts
    SELL @ 95.5
    cost 4.5 pts

    Having taken my option this also covers the upside.

  12. FTSE is kinda jerking around so am happy to not have any index trades. The 3-min chart is giving bad signals so that my human program is telling me to ignore them. My two live trades are both worthless but a 30 pt move in either direction may bring some extra crumbs of profit - been a good day anyway so not complaining. Could just as easily keep jerking around.

    Time for a drink!

  13. Took this on the way down

    FTSE Daily
    SELL @ 5982.3

    been watching it as slightly foolish during the settlement period, but the Dow was looking stunned as it recoiled from 12500.

    other 2 trades end at zero, so LOSS of -4.5.

    Total for today is +83 points :-)

    Moved STOP down to 5980 so already covered. There was a 3-min signal but a bit of an impulse buy as on reflection don't fancy hanging around here for long looking at this Dow-proxy trade.

  14. TRADE
    BUY @ 5974.3
    Profit = 8 pts

    so +91 pts for the day!

    I need to go and saw the IG Index FTSE price tick up when the Dow was going down. Obviously their out-of-market formula includes oil and gold prices as well as the Dow.


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