11 Jun 2008

Trading Day

FTSE Daily
SELL @ 5837.5
3-min chart

Still have a Jun 5700 put which has been losing in time what it has been gaining as the FTSE has dropped.

As I said, 5800 was the obvious first support, and I still don't see much support other than 5500 after that. Possibly 5700, which was a support mid-Jan to mid-Feb.

oh yeah...
BUY @ 5822
Profit = 15.5 pts
not a bad start!


  1. TRADE
    FTSE to finish down > 50 @ 17.3
    and a couple of mins later
    FTSE to finish up > 50 @ 4.6
    Total liability = 21.9

  2. Well, the logic of my double bet worked. The FTSE had flirted with 5800 all week without ever touching it, with lows of about 5810. So if it was going to touch it, chances were it was either going to fall straight through or rally from there.

    Am now keeping an eye on both the FTSE chart and the D>50 chart. A close below 5770 and the bet finishes at 100 pts.

    As I write this it continues to fall...

  3. TRADE
    FTSE Jun 5700 Put
    sell @ 65.1
    profit= 65.1 - 32 = +33.1

    Taking this now, been in the red for a week, and at this price would need to see the FTSE below 5635 to get this at expiry.

  4. I don't like leaving these!

    FTSE down>50
    SELL @ 99
    Profit = 99 - 21.9 = +77.1

    +125.7 pts for the day :-)


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