16 Jun 2008

Trading Day

Back to another see-saw week on the markets. The FTSE daily chart has finally broken the SAR and so we are now looking for further upward movement. The only caution is that the MACD is still in the red. However, as we've seen over the past few weeks, the FTSE has tested and re-tested every support and resistance, so perhaps no surprise that it will now test its resistances. The first one coming up is the 30DMA at about 5965. It needs first to move up convincingly from its current pre-market 5820, which was the April support. This could now herald a period of holding on to upward movements rather than downward. I would still look to a positive MACD before committing myself.

Gold looks less healthy, just $3 away from hitting the SAR to indicate going short. Continues to sit just above its 200DMA. No great entry point to buy, although if it were to get to $875 then that could signal a lurch up to at least challenge $900.

Waiting for the right trading signals.


  1. TRADE
    SELL @ 870.1
    stop $5

    I could be making a mistake again taking this just before the signal, but with oil going down gold is following it.

    Let's see...

  2. Gold stop down to 870.
    A bit tight, but bet now covered.

  3. TRADE
    FTSE Daily
    BUY @ 5809.5
    1-min chart

  4. TRADE
    FTSE Jun 5925 Call @ 19
    expires friday morning.

  5. FTSE stop up to 5811, so entry point covered. Didn't look too clever there for a few mins, but OK now, if a muted move up.

  6. Hung on to this enough

    FTSE SELL @ 5823.5 to close
    profit = 14 pts

    FTSE SELL @ 5822.5

  7. Don't like the look of this.
    FTSE BUY @ 5819 to close
    profit = 3.5 pts

  8. TRADE
    FTSE SELL @ 5816.5
    3-min chart and 1-min chart

    so much for a rally!!

  9. FTSE stop down to 5810.
    Rather jerking around this morning.
    Keeping a wary eye on the gold trade too - if goes to 869 will close.

  10. OK I'm out!
    FTSE BUY @ 5804.8 to close
    Profit = 16.5 - 4.8 = 11.7 pts

  11. TRADE
    GOLD BUY @ 869 to close
    Profit = $1.1 = 11 pts
    Not much but has come back $2.5 and always better than a loss.

    have no idea what's going on! The FTSE upside is covered by the option, so my only concern is if it drops below 5800.

    Re Gold, now just have to wait for new signal. As we see from past data, Monday mornings can be particularly susceptible to reversals of fortune, so best be cautious.

    +40.2 pts so far, so given that the market has been choppy, not bad really.

  12. uselss!
    FTSE BUY @ 5820 to close
    Loss = -2 pts
    got out quickly as went down to 5810 then up again.

  13. TRADE
    BUY @ 872
    Little bit risky but will close at 870 if goes down.

  14. London am Gold fix at $872 has sparked a little rally.
    Stop tightened to 871 for safety but now both SAR and MACD positive for 1-hour chart.

  15. TRADE
    BUY @ 5808.5 to close
    profit = 15 - 8.5 = +7.5

    another weak trade, but oil and gold suddenly going up, which would help the FTSE's commodity sectors.

    GOLD stop up to 872, so entry level protected.

  16. FTSE in very narrow range 5830-5800. Have no idea where it will go so rather than piss away my hard-earned profits will do nothing... except watch my gold keep going up :-)

    Gold now above Friday's high, next target is $883 from Wed.

    Gold stop up to 873 just to guarantee a small profit.

  17. This has a long way to go... but looking grim.

    FTSE to finish down > 50
    BUY @ 19

  18. TRADE
    FTSE down>50
    SELL @ 17
    LOSS = -2 pts

    3-min chart shows upwards move, and frankly, am bored watching this do nothing. Gold is making money, perhaps should ignore the FTSE today.

    Re Gold, nearly took it as it came off $880 down to nearly $876, but rising again. No sell signal yet but will still close if hits 876.

    ... whilst writing this gold has hit $880 again :-)

  19. TRADE
    FTSE JUN 5700 PUT
    BUY @ 24.8

  20. Some days, just not following the plot! Like today's FTSE.
    But what the hell! Gold up $12!!

    Gold stop up to 881

  21. F@£#ing brilliant!
    I'm taking this... well... oil on a roll with gold following, dollar hammered, Dow futures in need of oxygen...

    Gold stop moved up to 885

    let's see it hit $900 today!

  22. Gotta take this some time, and should have just grabbed it near 895 - but then again, "should" is a non-word in trading newspeak.

    So here's a trade for our Chinese friends.

    GOLD SELL @ 888.8
    Profit = 888.8 - 872 = 16.8 = 168 pts

    The 3-min chart is going down, not that I use it to open trades but good to see if a level, such as 895 in this case, has another attempt made on it.

    Am staring at my FTSE trades with a certain amount of boredom at the moment. There are 3 whole days left to run on them but a combined cost of 43.8 pts.

    Am at +43.7pts from earlier trades and +168 from the recent gold trade...

  23. TRADE
    FTSE 5700 put
    SELL @ 19.2
    LOSS = 19.2 - 24.8 = -5.6 pts

    Dow and FTSE on the rise, so will wait to see about the other option.

  24. Here's a cheap Far Out trade!

    FTSE up>30 @ 8.2

  25. TRADE
    FTSE down> 30 @ 9.2

    FTSE 5925 call
    Sell @ 10.7
    Loss = 10.7 - 19 = -8.3 pts

  26. Amazing, Dow takes a dive 10 mins before London close but FTSE remains immobile. Serves me right for throwing good money after end of day swings!

    Oh well...
    -17.4 pts

    so... +12.4 pts for the day!!
    plus +168 for gold!!!

    Indeed, even more stark:
    Gold = +179
    FTSE = +1.4
    OK could have had +18 for the FTSE if I hadn't been so dumb.

    A very good day, but is a worthwhile lesson that more trades do not equate to more profits.

    Should also remember to just stay away from choppy days where a red flag should be flown at full mast.

    Good to learn some lessons whilst walking away smiling.


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